Japan's electronic stores have nice offers if you're willing sign-up for certain services or make purchases. I decided to get reliable wireless for my laptops since I started grad school and I'm about to move and will spend crucial half hours on the trains where I can be doing work. Japan, surprisingly, isn't wired well at all. Wi-Fi locations are difficult to find making that built in wireless inaccessible. I went to purchase a wireless USB that uses cell phone service areas as Internet service. While in Yodobashi Camera, I kept an E-Mobile representative for an hour and a half to explain, completely in Japanese, how the device worked and the contract details. He then offered me a free PSP or new Nintendo DSi with my purchase of the wireless and service. It also came with a wireless router, and I could walk out of the store with all 3 items priced at ¥100 ($0.88). I asked what was the catch, and of course they want your soul for 2 years of service. Well I picked the black DSi (with the ashy matte outside like the MacBook-I can't stand that texture!) I'm not a big gammer but I figured I can play Japanese language games, Bust-a-Move, and Tetris of course!
I still can't believe the ¥100 purchase. I wonder, like Jay-Z's single I'm titling, "When The Money Goes and The Bills Stay", will I truly benefit from this recession and the low $0.88 USD to ¥100 rate?